The Boardroom Show & Tell

How to Energise Your Board

The board is the focal point for the health of any organisation. Just how effective is your board, is there a strong, shared trust throughout the board. Is there a deep debate to make sure the organisation is heading in the right direction?

Next session starts in:





We will answer these questions and more on:

Understand the positive impact that being vulnerable has around the board table.

Start to actually mine for conflict to truly unlock the potential of the organisation.

Build high levels of personal accountability which leads to commitment around the table.

Understand the 4 keys to developing organisational health.

Presented by:

Steve Gaskell
[email protected]

Steve, The Challenge Coach, and author of ‘Business Shouldn’t be this Tough’ has a deep understanding of the difficulties leaders face today. A professional high-performance coach Steve’s experience spans over 19 years. A former Army Master Coach he helps develop a pig-headed approach to personal discipline, drive and ambition. His keen eye for high performance enhancing opportunities allows those he works with to excel expectations.

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