Executive Function:
How It Develops.... And How You Can Support Your Teen or Tween
Information Session for Parents,Teachers, and Professionals

Given by Robyn Laub, MS, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist and Executive Function Coach

Let's face it - your kids are growing up in a world that is much more complex than when we grew up. They have more responsibilities, more distractions, and the school work is harder.

Executive Functioning is a developmental skill that does not ever stop growing, changing, and evolving in humans as we go through the life cycle. However, tweens and teens tend to struggle the most as it is a time of rapid brain growth and it is hard for that part of the brain to catch up to all of the other areas.

Here's what you'll learn:

✓ How the brain of a Middle and High Schooler develops
What Is Executive Function?
✓ Common Challenges Middle And High Schoolers Face Today
Tools to start helping your Teen or Tween Today!

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