Welcome to our LIVE Webinar Series for 2024

Join us LIVE on Monday January 29th, 2023
starting 7:00 p.m. CDT

How to Find Your Emotionally Healthy Church Community/Spiritual Family Locally

Imagine overcoming "Church hurt" while finding an emotionally healthy, Church family expression locally where you belong, you can mature lovingly and relationally over time while growing into the fullness of your calling!
Chris Caputo

Organizational Development Champion

Mike Miller

Coaching and Connections Champion

Next session in:

Here's What You're Going to Discover:

✓ Identify 3 main challenges as to why people struggle to find an emotionally healthy expression of spiritual family.

Discover 7 core elements necessary to experience an emotionally healthy Church family.

✓ Gain tremendous clarity on how to live fully alive from the heart Jesus gave you, in the context of an emotionally healthy Christian community.

Engage with practical application on how to find an emotionally healthy spiritual family where you live (and how we can partner with you on that journey).

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