Winning Hearts ❤️ The 5 Shifts Sales-focused CEOs Make To Ditch Brag-Marketing and Gain Lasting Customer Love

Your innovation deserves it.

❤️ Master the Five Keys Shifts: See how top CEOs of innovative solution companies have tripled their pipeline and doubled their sales in just 6 months with perspective shifts on how they are marketing and selling.

❤️ Cut Through the Noise: Learn how to create a category of one that resonates deeply with what your ideal prospects want.

❤️ Inspire Action: Get how to draw a contrast between the painful today and the hopeful tomorrow that gets prospects to run through walls.

On the eve of Valentines day, experience the proven framework employed by the top 100 B2B solution companies to conquer their category and secure multi-million dollar deals, all without costly ads or adding headcount. Join our zero-cost masterclass LIVE and discover how you can refine your sales & marketing message to position your solution as the game-changer that amplifies marketing, boosts sales – even gets investment



4:00 PM EST
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WEBINAR HOST: Greg Rosner, CEO PitchKitchen

Greg Rosner is the CEO of PitchKitchen, a Google 5-Star marketing and sales enablement agency based in New York.
"We've landed one new client so far this year with the new messaging and deck, and a second iron in the fire."
Lisa Larson-Kelly, CEO Quantious
"We've been doubling our business every 3 months. This approach has provided us as much value as hiring a $450K p/y CMO"
Moufid Charafeddine, CEO Uvara
"This was the best business masterclass I've ever attended by FAR. I got some immediate actionable content that I know will help convert customers."
Ron Olberding, President ALGND

This is for CEOs bringing innovation to the market

Is this you?

❌ You've got an amazing solution that your customers LOVE, but prospects seem to confuse it with solutions that are nothing like it, and most of your market doesn't even know it exists.
Your sales team works so hard in zoom calls explaining what your solution is and why they should care, but it still getting "not now", "maybe next year", or the worst, "we'll keep doing what we're doing thanks."
Your solution should be a "no-brainer", but prospects still don't buy for reasons you're not sure you fully understand.
❌ You have a marketer doing a lot of "marketing" but it isn't turning into sales.
❌ You're selling a sophisticated solution maybe using AI that costs more than $25K that needs explaining, demoing, and configuring and your prospects are still telling you they didn't get it from your homepage.
❌ You know that finding the "right story" would unleash your ability to sell to more customers and give a massive benefit to businesses you sell to.
❌ Your sales deck is ineffective at facilitating the right kind of conversations to get prospects to do change course.
❌ You're losing sales to your competitors (even worse ones) because you aren't perceived as the expert category leader.
❌ You're doing a bunch of social media, PPC, and website tweaks hoping that you'll find "the thing", but you don't have a single, clear, and compelling story that calls your customer to change.
❌ Your growth has stalled as your market is changing creating more risk to the business.

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