What is Value-Based

Analytics & Reporting?

Learn how to streamline your agency’s analytics and reporting to increase client satisfaction and ROI.

Presented by:

Greg Bardwell

Greg Bardwell is the founder of SaturnOne. He has over a decade experience in marketing technology, analytics, and trying to get ROI with marketing agencies.

Here's what you'll learning:

What is the difference between Action-Based and Value-Based analytics and reporting.

Why and how Value-Based is better for making better business decisions to meet client goals. Thus, this should drive marketing decisions; otherwise, you can optimize the wrong campaigns and metrics.

Clients only care about Revenue Driven and their marketing ROI... the value you are generating.

See real examples of consolidated Client value reports and marketing team analytic dashboards.

Learn how to transform your agency affordably to performance-based to increase and show ROI.



11:30 AM EDT
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Consolidate Client Dashboard Value Results

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