On The Brink of Burnout?

These Self-Care Secrets Will Help You Become Healthier, Happier and More Successful Than Ever (In Less Time Than You Thought Possible!)

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Presented by:

Tasha Wilson

 Tasha is a Life & Business Coach and presenter of this on-demand workshop

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Here's what you'll learn during this FREE Workshop:

How you can use journalling to dramatically improve your business and life – even if you “hate writing.”
The 2 most effective ways to eliminate drama and negativity from your life and free up loads of mental space - in just minutes a day! 
How to stop feeling guilty when you’re not working – including two simple boundaries to set to burnout-proof your business (and brain!).

As a coach or entrepreneur, you likely encourage your clients to prioritize self-care. Yet, it's easy to neglect your own needs while managing a growing business.

The reality? Consistent self-care is crucial for avoiding burnout, both mentally and physically.

Here's the good news: Self-care doesn't have to be time-consuming. It can be simple, enjoyable, and quick.

Join my FREE workshop to discover easy self-care practices that even the busiest coaches can fit into their day.

Want to truly lead by example for your clients? Start by taking care of yourself. This workshop will guide you. Let's make it happen!

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