This Masterclass Reveals A Revolutionary That Combines Ancient Wisdom & Neuroscience To Stop Addiction 

"The Secret Mind Transformation Method To Quit Addictions Without Struggle, WillpowerWeight Gain, or Relapse..."

Fri, 3/7, 3:45 PM GMT+2 Masterclass is now in progress. Register now to join the in progress session.

What you'll learn:

SECRET #1: The Secret Mind Transformation Method That Has Helped 1000's Quit Their Addictions.
SECRET #2: How Mind Transformation Works Without Struggle, Willpower, Weight Gain, or Relapse.
SECRET #3: The #1 Trap That Stops People  Quitting Addiction, and how to avoid it!

As Seen In ...

Here's Peggy Quit Opioids, Marijuana,

"I've realised that it's not as hard as I think it is"

Peter Quit Smoking 

& Alcohol

"I gave away alcohol within a couple of months. Honestly I did not think I could do it. I thought no way. But, I've done it!"

What you'll learn ...

SECRET #1: How I Discovered the Secret to Brain Transformation, That's Helped 1000's End Their Addictions.
It's odd now I look back on it. This discovery was almost by accident. I'll share the story in the webclass, of how I discovered the technique that started it all.
And how this lead to a 10 year journey of discovering more and more, of how the brain works with addiction, and how it can be trained, transformed, so addiction literally just falls away.
SECRET #2: How Brain Transformation Works, Without Struggle, Willpower, Weight Gain, or Relapse.
It's really important to learn why the only way to truly end addiction is by working with the brain, struggle against it.
Struggle is where the conscious and subconscious are in conflict, which is why most methods fail.
SECRET #3: The #1 Trap That Stops People Quitting Addiction!
This will make so much sense when I explain it to you.
Struggle is where the conscious and subconscious are in conflict, which is why most methods fail.
It's why most methods are faulty and incomplete, and lead to relapse.
Understanding this will give you instant clarity and motivation, about the best way for you to get freedom from addiction.

Presented By : Addiction Expert, Michael Gregory

Addiction Expert, Michael Gregory, B.App.Sc(TCM), B.A. (Phil), has a background as a Philosopher, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner, and Hypnotherapist, as well as a life long interest in spirituality and personal development.

Michael is also the founder of the True Quit Method, which has helped 1000’s of clients overcome their addictions.

His other interests include surfing, poetry, shakuhachi, martial arts, and heartfelt conversation.

Michael also hosts the Addiction To Freedom podcast, which explores spiritual and personal awareness, as a path to freedom from our everyday addictions.

Michael believes that we all have addictions. Some are more socially recognised, such as substance, and gambling addictions. Others are more subtle, such as habitual thinking and our addiction to our self.

Through his programs he teaches a pathway of increasing freedom, peace and contentment, that is the natural result of getting to know our true nature, as our addictions fall away.


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